The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology

Welcome to the online submission and editorial system for the The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology.

To the Author's Attention;
To enable faster evaluation, when uploading your study, please do not use expressions of identity declaration such as the name of the patient, the name of the author/doctor,, the name of institution, the name of the city. In addition, expressions of identity declaration should not be used in documents, pictures, figures, graphs, videos etc. Otherwise, your study will be returned to you for correction and this will lengthen the evaluation process. This is an important subject since our journal works on double-blind peer-review basis. If your manuscript is accepted for publication in the Anatolian Journal of Cardiology and if there are color figures, images, graphics, etc., in your manuscript you should pay for 300 USD without any number limits. There are no number limits for technical reasons. The necessary information can be requested from Editor-in-Chief office ( Picture, figure, graphics etc. can be printed in black and white and in color only for web upon request. Please provide the information on the last step of the manuscript submission.

First time users: Please select New User from the menu and enter the requested information. Upon successful registration, you will be able to use the system with your Username (E-mail) and Password.

Repeat users: Please enter your Username and Password and select 'Login' from the menu. If you have been registered as a 'Reviewer' the system will automatically switch to the 'Reviewer' interface. You never need to re-register, even if your role changes (i.e., from author to reviewer).

Authors: Enter your Username and Password and select 'Login' from the menu. Then submit your manuscript and track its progress through the system. For a Guide for Authors regarding your paper please look at Instructions for Authors.

Reviewers: Enter your Username and Password and select 'Login' from the menu. You may view and/or download manuscripts assigned to you and submit your comments for the Editor and the Authors. Do not forget to agree to review when you are informed of a new manuscript! For further information please look at the 'Instructions for Reviewers'.

Forget your password: Select 'Retrieve Password' from the menu and enter your e-mail address and click 'send'. You will receive an e-mail with the requested information.

Changing username and password: Login into the system and select 'Personel Details'. Your current password is listed in the 'Password' field. Please replace this with a new password and click the 'Update' button at the bottom of the form.

Technical problems or questions: Please contact Author Support.

Questions on submission and reviewing process: Please contact Editorial Board.

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