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Nosocomial Infections and Asssociated Risk Factors in Geriatric Patients in Intensive Care Unit

Ayşe İnci1, Ayşegül Karabay2, Suat Erus3, Yavuz Demiraran2
1Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Education and Research Hospital, Department of Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology, Istanbul,Turkey
2Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Education And Research Hospital, Department Of Anesthesia And Reanimation, İstanbul, Turkey
3Koc University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Istanbul,Turkey

Introduction: The elderly population increases worldwide. The purpose of this study was to evaluate nosocomial infections (NI) detected in geriatric patients and to determine the risk factors leading to their development.
Materials and Methods: Patients monitored in our hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are evaluated daily by intensive care and infectious disease specialists, including surveillance by our Infection Control Committee. we included the patients aged ≥65 years who were monitored in the adult ICU between January 2014 and December 2014, using the methods of retrospective file screening and computer record review. Patients were classified into two groups: patients with and without NI.
Results: Total 222 (38.07%) patients were ≥65 years old. Forty-four NI events were detected in 27 patients. Groups were compared with respect to age; sex; presence of mechanic ventilation(MV), central venous catheterization (CVC), cerebrovascular disease, chronic obstructive disease, diabetes mellitus, malignancy; and mortality. The presence of MV, CVC and mortality were seen to be significantly higher in patients with NI compared with those without. The most common NIs found were sepsis and pneumonia. The most common infectious agent was Acinetobacter.
Conclusion: NIs observed in hospital ICU are common but largely preventable conditions. A systematic approach and well-disciplined empiric therapy are very important. Our study revealed that the mortality rate is high in elderly patients who develop NI, and NI is more commonly seen in patients who undergo invasive interventions. We believe that using invasive interventions as little as possible in this group may improve their treatment success and outcome.

Keywords: Nosocomial Infections, Risk Factors, Geriatric Patients

Ayşe İnci, Ayşegül Karabay, Suat Erus, Yavuz Demiraran. Nosocomial Infections and Asssociated Risk Factors in Geriatric Patients in Intensive Care Unit. . 0; 0: 0-0

Corresponding Author: Ayşe İnci, Türkiye

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